Grand Canyon Adventures

It's over a month since a group of us put together by Carol Newell, Marian Moore, and myself, floated, paddled, rowed, and hiked ourselves down 229 miles of the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon. We occasionally organize these 20 person, 2 week trips. Each of us gain the immense priviledge of offline rest, retreat, and rejuvenation. We also have the rare opportunity to deepen relationship with our posse of adventurers.

The monumental and seemingly infinite grandeur of this dramatic natural temple of wonders, once again left its indelible mark on me.  2 billion year old rock is exposed by the river's many millions of years carving deep into the earth's bowells. Far above on the rim, we can imagine the inch of dust in the desert that represents human existence time line in earth history. Humility. Reflection. Values. Commitment.

Open air sleeping on sand, bodacious desert springtime explosion of flowers, baking hot air, bracing cold river water immersion, camp talk, song, laughter, tears, and memories, are cherished gifts to savour and accept.

The 20,000 people per year who travel this river pilgrimmage are a tiny fraction. Let's hope this opportunity ripples far in the intentions and acts of those with such a lucky star.