Grand Canyon Adventures Part 2

The recent 2 week trip offline rafting through the Grand Canyon on the Colorado River, provided a crucial opportunity for some principals of Renewal.

It was another beautiful accomplishment produced by Carol Newell and Marian Moore. They offer a series of crafted gatherings for people with extraordinary financial resources to gather. We share exploration of how better to understand the links of money with both its origins and with the potentially powerful way it can be moved along. Where does money come from? What is our deeper responsibility as "owners" of money? How do we bring conscious intention to align with our values, that which we do with money?

And for a growing network of contemporary experimenters, how do we maximize the mission impact of our entire portfolio of financial assets?

Simply asking ourselves the question on a recurring basis, then reviewing past and future choices, observing other models, and gaining clarity on what is going to matter most to us when we look back from the eyes of people 100 years from now, are practices we all can choose.

Follow Joel on Twitter @joelsolomon