Rex Weyler on Technological Fixes to Global Warming

My old friend Rex Weyler articulates an astute and provocative, common sense view of the high bar needed for true ecological sustainability. Along the road to the biological balance required, conversion of both the industrial and consumer economies, will be essential. When do great new innovative companies simply expand consumption, and when do they truly contribute significantly lighter footprint, is a central debate that must occur.

We need a rapid groundswell of vision, experimentation, and hard work, to test and implement the new economic design that can bring forward what's best of modern human invention, within the carrying power of nature.


Overshoot and Tech Dreams
Rex Weyler
Deep Green
Greenpeace International

Global warming is a symptom of human overshoot: the consumption and waste that exceeds the biophysical capacity of the Earth. If we attempt to reduce the fever, but ignore the disease, we will, at best, extend the suffering.

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