James Julien Conference Scholarship

James was a gifted and well loved fundraiser who made a splash at fundraising conferences around the world. A talented and entertaining presenter, Jamie’s AFP speaking sessions were well attended, and he especially loved mentoring new fundraisers. He founded Public Outreach in part to realize his vision to build the next generation of skilled fundraising professionals.

The James Julien Conference Scholarship honours James’ love of learning, training,networking and mentoring by offering a new fundraising professional an educational experience they or their organization could otherwise not afford. The Conference Scholarship is the opportunity that James himself would have been thrilled to award to deserving new professionals embarking on their new career.

I’m hoping you will take 5 minutes today, to remember James and to make a donation in his memory to the Conference Scholarship. The online donation form is easy to use.  Enter James Julien in the tribute page before entering your own name and contact information.

Your single gift or monthly donation will directly support the development of a fundraising professional new to the field.*

In these times we need to follow James’ lead in ensuring that new fundraising professionals receive the best training and support available.