Next Path To My Life - Julius Walls Jr.

Julius Walls Jr, who has been at the helm of Renewal investee Greystone Bakery for 14 years, has answered a higher call in the service of humanity.

Next path to my life

To my friends and supporters:

At the core of Greyston’s mission is the concept of “Path.” Every individual, and indeed every organization, is on a path. For the last 14 years, I have been honored to share my personal path with that of Greyston. Now, however, our paths diverge.

I have accepted a full time position as Executive Minister of Greater Centennial A.M.E. Zion Church in Mount Vernon, NY, effective this fall. For those who may not have known, I have had a calling to ministry since I was 11 years old. And while I have always seen my work at Greyston as a part of my calling, the time has come for me to formally enter professional ministry. Only a higher calling such as this could have moved me to leave Greyston, where I have enjoyed many years as an active participant in our leading social enterprise, a business where “we don’t hire people to make brownies, we make brownies to hire people.”

During my tenure, Greyston Bakery has grown to $7 million in sales and 60 employees from $2.5 million and 30 employees. We have launched Do-Goodie Brownies and most recently a line of gluten-free products. We have hired, trained, and returned hundreds to the workforce. We have begun selling brownies to Europe. We have contributed over $1 million to the Greyston Foundation. We have demonstrated that you can successfully operate a business while giving employment opportunities to individuals who others call hard-to-employ. Greyston Bakery has been recognized by the President of the United States as an organization doing exceptional work in the community. We have been featured on 60 Minutes CBS, ABC, Fox, CNN, Fortune Magazine, Wall Street Journal, New York Times and numerous other media outlets hailing the work being done by us here in Yonkers. While it all hasn’t been cookies and cream, I am proud of what we have accomplished together.

As I move forward onto this next part of my path, I remain a staunch supporter of Greyston and its many good works -- I am confident and optimistic about the future of both Greyston Bakery and Greyston Foundation. I am grateful to these organizations for the opportunity they have given me to grow professionally. And I am grateful for the opportunity they have given me to provide meaningful outreach into the Yonkers community. I look forward to working closely with my successor to ensure the smoothest possible transition for the Bakery.

I thank you, the dedicated staff of Greyston, past and present, with whom it has been a privilege to work; the generous members of the boards of Greyston, who have shared with me their time and talent over the years; and the many other friends, clients and customers of Greyston, who have enriched my path and that of Greyston many times over.

I offer a special thank you to the executive management team at the Foundation and the bakery management team, and also to Bernie, Steven, Ruth, Ken, and especially Lisa for their support and friendship. I am embarking on this new path without knowing what the future holds, but I am trusting in my deep faith and the love of my family to guide me along the way.

Sincerely yours,

Julius Walls, Jr.
Former President of Greyston Bakery
Now, Chief of Staff
Assistant to the Pastor

Greater Centennial A.M.E. Zion Church
114 Fourth Street
Mount Vernon, New York 10550
914-664-1838 ext. 119 <>