Sightline Institue Promotes Green Collar Jobs as Key Element of Retrofitting the Economy

Sightline Institute's newest major project is helping Cascadia realize the promise of economic recovery through clean energy. Billions of public and private dollars are flowing into energy efficiency and renewables in the Northwest, and investing these funds well--and designing complementary policies--is no mean feat. Sightline is rapidly documenting and sharing with regional decisionmakers the best practices for ramping up the clean-energy economy quickly, with a focus on job training and deep energy retrofits in buildings. This week, they're putting finishing touches on the first edition of a green-collar jobs primer. It will go to hundreds of key leaders across the Northwest in a few days. You can download an advance copy here.

The primer explains what makes a green job, how investment in clean energy creates jobs, and how Northwest leaders can foster a green-collar workforce in our region. While it is focussed on the Northwest there are lessons that are valuable to anyone anywhere.

Keep up the great wok Sightline!