Fair Trade Needs Support Too

As we look forward to 2009 the global economic crisis necessarily impacts the way we see the importance of equitable trade, democratic control and Canadian ownership. As the economic situation in Canada, with a low Canadian dollar and slower sales, affects La Siembra from a revenue and margin perspective, we also recognize at this time that cocoa and sugar producers have even more to lose. If consumers stop supporting fair trade in this moment of economic uncertainty then the future for commodity producers is bleak.

Horizon Distributors

Western Canada’s largest distributor of natural and organic groceries.

Terri’s Story

During the survival-of-the-fittest mentality of the early '90s, a young Terri Newell found the co-op model refreshing—an inviting workplace valuing each member’s skills and resources. While completing her Masters degree at UBC’s School of Planning, she was particularly drawn to Horizon Distributors, a Burnaby-based worker co-op distributing natural and organic foods.

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