Lots of Good News for Spring

After a successful kidney transplant in November from my old friend and Hollyhock co-founder, Shivon Robinsong, I have returned healthier than ever to a plethora of activities at Renewal.

Our Team

Founding Partners

Carol Newell

Carol Newell is the Principal of Renewal. Through this organization, she has established a life’s work as a social entrepreneur and philanthropist, placing over $60 million in organizations and businesses working toward sustainability in BC.


Carol Newell inherited a substantial fortune over several years, culminating in the early 1990s. Believing she had "more than enough", she chose to dedicate the majority of her wealth to making the world a better place.

She found the focus for her intentions in British Columbia's mix of vast pristine wilderness and sophisticated urban meeting places for global influences. She has dedicated her career to nurturing broad-spectrum solutions to the ecological and social problems facing her home province.

Play BIG

Play BIG is an intimate gathering that inspires and informs people with large capital reserves who seek to align their money more fully with their values.



Renewal worked to build, activate and leverage progressive networks. One of the ways we did this was through conferences and events that brought together progressive investors, philanthropists, activists, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders who influence societal issues.

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