Agenda Highlights

Looking for a sample agenda? Check out the SVI Hollyhock 2012 agenda.  

True Confessions

Attendees are given the opportunity to hear from leading entrepreneurs who will share their trials, tribulations and triumphs in creating socially responsible businesses. These personal and intimate “confessions” are instrumental learning moments around the challenges and successes of building businesses focused on a triple (double) bottom line.

Case Studies

Participants get direct feedback on their current business challenges from a faculty of successful socially responsible enterprise leaders. These sessions offer practical and sound advice not only from a panel of experts but from peers in the audience as well. Click here  to learn more and how to submit a case study application.

Business Problem Solving Sessions

Small group gatherings focused on specific business problems. These sessions are set up like mini case studies. Ideally we have two organizations present their challenge to the smaller groups. Busines program solving session spots are first offered to those that applied for be Case Study Presenters and were not selected. Past sessions include: fundraising, board development and marketing.


Opportunities for participants to meet each other in small groups and network around a variety of issues and topics. Past topics include: Effective Leadership, Building a Powerful Brand and Media 101.

Roundtable Feedback Sessions

These highly interactive discussions promote problem-solving opportunities in a small group setting with like-minded leaders.

Marketplace of Ideas

Fast paced two-minute presentations where participants share inspiring news about their organizations, personal projects and initiatives.  If you are attending SVI and would like to sign up for Marketplace of Ideas, email svi (at) to reserve your place.

One on One Consultants

All participants are encouraged to take advantage of peer-to-peer learning opportunities at SVI. One of the best ways to do this is by booking a 30-minute session with an identified consultant (expert). The one-on-one consulting sessions are scheduled to be held on Friday afternoon, but can take place at anytime throughout the four days. Consultants will offer at least three (3) 30-minute sessions. The consultants and their area of expertise will be listed in the SVI Program Book. Participants need to book their sessions directly with the consultants.

Click here to view the agenda from SVI Hollyhock 2012.


"The chemistry and currency created at SVI is unique: tremendously intelligent and gifted people leading fantastic change. The participants are not just there for themselves, but to bring forward the enderlying purpose to act as chane agents. They each incubate change at SVI by sharing honestly of themselves and their time, offering genuine care for others at the institute, having a willingness to be vulnerable, and mentoring wherever appropriate."

-SVI Participant

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