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Agenda Highlights
True Confessions: Attendees are given the opportunity to hear from leading entrepreneurs who will share their trials, tribulations and triumphs in creating socially-responsible businesses. These personal and intimate “confessions” are instrumental learning moments around the challenges and successes of building businesses focused on a triple (double) bottom line.
Case Studies: Participants get direct feedback on their current business challenges from a faculty of successful socially-responsible enterprise leaders. These sessions offer practical and sound advice not only from a panel of experts but from peers in the audience as well.
Business Problem Solving Sessions: Impromptu small group gatherings focused on specific business problems identified on the spot. Past sessions include: fundraising, board development and marketing.
Workshops: Opportunity for participants to meet each other in small groups and network around a variety of issues and topics. Past topics include: Effective Leadership, Building a Powerful Brand and Media 101.
Roundtable Feedback Sessions: These highly interactive discussions promote problem-solving opportunities in a small group setting with like-minded leaders.
Marketplace of Ideas: Fast paced two-minute presentations where participants share inspiring news about their organizations, personal projects and initiatives.