Crowdfunding and Microvolunteering for Charities and Non-Profits

Event Details

Date & Time April 18, 2012, 10:00am – 12:15pm
Location Tides Canada
#304-163 W. Hastings St.
Vancouver, BC
Google Map

Breakfast Workshop Invitation:
Crowdfunding, Social Media & Microvolunteering forCharities and Non-Profits

Fundchange, Koodonation and TELUS invite you to an interactive workshop on social media,crowdfunding and microvolunteering for charities and non-profits. The format will be a combination ofseminar and discussion and give you concrete tools for helping your organizations.

Topics to be covered:

  • Social media and its impact on fundraising and volunteer recruitment efforts
  • Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding - what are they and how can you use them
  • - what is it and how can you participate - learn from successes in year 1
  • - what is it and how can you take advantage of its community ofmicrovolunteers
  • Project based fundraising and micro-volunteering, as well as trends in this direction
  • Options for engaging a new generation of donors or volunteers

Breakfast and refreshments included. Attendees will also receive a new ebook on Social Media forCharities and Non-profits by Rebecca Coleman, and their first project listing on Fundchange for free.

Speakers: Elijah van der Giessen of the David Suzuki Foundation and Net TuesdayPaul Dombowsky of Fundchange, Jennifer Robertson of Koodonation.
