Digital Photography: Capturing the Light with Charles Steinberg

Event Details

Date & Time July 22, 2009, 8:00pm – July 26, 2009, 2:00pm
Location Hollyhock Retreat Centre
Cortes Island, BC
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Contact :: (800) 933-6339

A program of Hollyhock Retreat Centre

Want to create images that capture the spirit, the essence and the deep light of what your heart sees in those special moments? Bring together the gift of your personal seeing with techniques of composition, exposure compensation, use of motion and blur, depth of field and ”breaking” the rules” to create your own photographic statement. This program is designed for budding photographers new to digital photography and for experienced photographers wanting to enhance their skills and push their edges. Together, we’ll find inspiration in Cortes Island’s sparkling waters and stunning light, in Hollyhock’s amazing garden, and in the ever-changing sea and forest. Rising early, we’ll follow the light, photographing these magical moments and enchanted places. Learn to make the exposures you want, beyond “automatic”, and control your camera’s depth of field to make in your camera the pictures you see in your mind’s eye. There will be time for post-production editing to improve your images with the software you have. We will benefit from each other’s experience as we review our work together. For photographers of all levels. A digital camera that permits manual settings is required. Laptop helpful but not required.

Charles Steinberg
, an international AIDS physician and a photographer teaching in Africa, shoots at many game parks for their publications and has taken some of the spectacular photos in the Hollyhock catalogue.

Tuition:$485 CDN (meals & accommdation extra) 4 nights

Call Hollyhock at (800) 933-6339 or email to register.  Go to for more information.