Waterfront Initiative Lead

Job Details

Organization Georgia Strait Alliance
Location Vancouver, BC
Contact jobs@georgiastrait.org
Website http://www.georgiastrait.org/?q=node/173
Georgia Strait Alliance (GSA) is seeking applications from suitable candidates to fill the role of Waterfront Initiative Lead. This position is offered on a contract basis with an initial commitment of 22.5 hours per week (on average) for 6 months, with the likelihood of extension and an increase to 37.5 hours per week, based on funding and performance. Contract to start November 1.  Location: Metro Vancouver.
The Waterfront Initiative is a new and unique project of GSA which will bring together a network of conservation organizations and representatives from industry, government, educational institutions, First Nations, labour and other stakeholders in Metro Vancouver to work together to find solutions to challenges facing the waterfront we all rely on and build a vision for the future.  The project will build towards creating measurable protection policies built around ecological principles that support a strong economy.
The position reports to the Executive Director and will lead our new Waterfront Initiative Project. 
Please visit http://www.georgiastrait.org/?q=node/173 for full job description and application information.