Grand Canyon Adventures

It's over a month since a group of us put together by Carol Newell, Marian Moore, and myself, floated, paddled, rowed, and hiked ourselves down 229 miles of the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon.

SVI Alumnus Launches New Book for Growth Companies

SVI Alumnus, Lisa Nirell's new book, EnergizeGrowth™ NOW, is now available.  EnergizeGrowth™ NOW is a contemporary planning and marketing guide with a dash of inspiration.

SVI Call for Case Studies Extended to June 26th

Case Study Applications for Social Venture Institute (SVI) Hollyhock, September 9-13, 2009 are being accepted until Friday, June 26th.

Canada Up on Forbes' Best Countries for Business List

Canada moves up four spots to number three on Forbes 4th Annual Best Countries for Business list.

News from the Slow Money Alliance


A New CEO for Seventh Generation

Anyone who knows Jeffrey Hollender, the co-founder and longtime CEO of Seventh Generation, knows that his ambitions go way beyond selling laundry detergent and paper towels.

Vacation Inspiration

Hollyhock Retreat Centre featured in Victoria's Monday Magazine.

Time-Limited Foundations: A New Trend?

Recent articles in the Wall Street Journal and The Chronicle of Philanthropy point to an emerging trend of foundations, like Endswell, that have planned spend down strategies.

p + a furniture media release

Vancouver award-winning interiors firm, Penner & Associates' launches new store with green furniture line

Renewal CEO Joel Solomon profiled in Vancouver Magazine

Vancouver Magazine
The Unlikely Revolutionary

By Frances Bula
May 25, 2009 

Joel Solomon has put his millions, and those of a powerful circle including Rubbermaid heiress Carol Newell, into a new business-first socialism

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