Articles, Updates, and Summaries of Public Meetings
For your information, all the articles, newsletters, and updates we have published are listed below. The latest is on top and and earlier articles are below. Summaries of the public meetings are listed in their own section here...
Lot 6: $172,000
Lot 7: $174,000 The sales process will be the same as that for the properties sold in 2006. Renewal Land will consider all written offers on March 5, 2007. In the event of multiple offers Renewal Land will consider all aspects of each offer including who the buyers are and what their plans are for the property. As published in the past Renewal Land held these lots back because they would like to see full time residents on these lots and it is hoped offering them at this time will attract residents. There is no negotiation on price.
All buyers must acknowledge having received and read the Disclosure Statement. Buyers will sign an Option Agreement valid for the first two years.
For more information on the offer process you can contact the listing agent, Vicki deBoer with Discovery Islands Realty. She has a home office on Cortes Island and can be reached at: phone/fax 250-935-6716
PHONE/FAX 250-935-6716 ![]() There have been enquiries as to who is buying the properties so here is a break down: 9 properties have sold to local residents and 3 sold to 'soon to be residents'. In all 19 properties in the Bare Land Strata have now sold and one free hold property is under contract.
Where are the buyers coming from? 4 sold to US buyers, 2 from Alberta, 1 from Saskatchewan, 1 from Ontario and all the rest (12) from BC. The buyers range from young families to soon to be retired couples with kids and/or grand kids on Cortes. All buyers are enthusiastic about the concept of combined residential living, conservation of wildlife habitat and sustainable forest management.
These properties are not being advertised off island and are under an Exclusive Listing agreement with Discovery Islands Realty
If you wish more information about this exciting project don't hesitate to call me. As the on site manager since 2003 I have become intimately familiar with the land and the project and I love to share my knowledge and enthusiasm with others.
Vicki deBoer - 935-6716
PHONE/FAX 250-935-6716 ![]() 4 sold to US buyers, 2 from Alberta, 1 from Saskatchewan, 1 from Ontario and all the rest (12) from BC. The buyers range from young families to soon to be retired couples with kids and/or grand kids on Cortes. All buyers are enthusiastic about the concept of combined residential living, conservation of wildlife habitat and sustainable forest management.
These properties are not being advertised off island and are under an Exclusive Listing agreement with Discovery Islands Realty
If you wish more information about this exciting project don't hesitate to call me. As the on site manager since 2003 I have become intimately familiar with the land and the project and I love to share my knowledge and enthusiasm with others.
Vicki deBoer - 935-6716
Prices are subject to change at any time. Renewal Land Company reserves the right to remove properties from the market at any time. Prices are non-negotiable. All offers are subject to final approval from Renewal Land Company. Renewal Land Company is not obligated to accept any offer. DISCOVERY ISLANDS REALTY ~ VICKI deBOER
PHONE/FAX 250-935-6716 ![]() The buyers range from young families to soon to be retired couples with kids and/or grand kids on Cortes. All buyers are enthusiastic about the concept of combined residential living, conservation of wildlife habitat and sustainable forest management.
These properties are not being advertised off island and are under an Exclusive Listing agreement with Discovery Islands Realty
If you wish more information about this exciting project don't hesitate to call me. As the on site manager since 2003 I have become intimately familiar with the land and the project and I love to share my knowledge and enthusiasm with others.
Vicki deBoer - 935-6716
Prices are subject to change at any time. Renewal Land Company reserves the right to remove properties from the market at any time. Prices are non-negotiable. All offers are subject to final approval from Renewal Land Company. Renewal Land Company is not obligated to accept any offer. DISCOVERY ISLANDS REALTY ~ VICKI deBOER
PHONE/FAX 250-935-6716 ![]() The buyers range from young families to soon to be retired couples with kids and/or grand kids on Cortes. All buyers are enthusiastic about the concept of combined residential living, conservation of wildlife habitat and sustainable forest management.
These properties are not being advertised off island and are under an Exclusive Listing agreement with Discovery Islands Realty
If you wish more information about this exciting project don't hesitate to call me. As the on site manager since 2003 I have become intimately familiar with the land and the project and I love to share my knowledge and enthusiasm with others.
Vicki deBoer
Prices are subject to change at any time. Renewal Land Company reserves the right to remove properties from the market at any time. Prices are non-negotiable. All offers are subject to final approval from Renewal Land Company. Renewal Land Company is not obligated to accept any offer. Like other islanders, I have followed the recent sale of the Hanks Beach parcel with a mix of concern and sadness. The end of public access to such a beloved area is a significant loss to the community. At the same time, Steven and Chi Lippman - who fell in love with the land and who value Cortes for the same reasons as do the rest of us - found themselves in an unenviable situation.
As the Lippman's learned more about the importance of this property in the lives of so many islanders, they decided to sell the Hanks Beach parcel and look for another home on Cortes in a quieter setting. In their decision to sell, they insisted on selling to someone who would continue their own passion for protection of this very special parcel including its forest lands. Understandably, they also expected to be compensated for their time, effort and expenses incurred on the parcel to date.
After careful consideration, I have decided to purchase the Hanks Beach property from the Lippman's in order to return our beach and trails to the community forever. I will do my best to ensure that this land is looked after for the long term and that it will continue to contribute to the well being of Cortes Island.
The existing F1 zoning allows for two dwelling units on this parcel (which is different from the additional secondary suite or cottage allowed in certain other zones). However, there is no mechanism within the F1 zone which guarantees public access to, and use of, existing trails or other community amenities.
Renewal's current objectives for this parcel are:
• create permanent, dedicated public access to Hanks Beach, with appropriate safeguards regarding campfires, litter and sanitation, preferably as a separate parcel under its own title with appropriate covenants;
• protect and possibly expand the current trail system for public use;
• place permanent protective eco-forestry covenants on the majority of the forest.
In order to help finance this significant park / public trails / ecosystem protection plan, Renewal will be seeking to have a second home site separately titled. For the time being, I will personally hold on to one of these sites.
Many details of this undertaking remain to be worked out, and we look forward to actively involving the community. For example, based on extensive discussions to date regarding respectful public use of Hanks Beach, our current thinking is:
• fires below the high tide line only.
• day and evening use. No overnight camping.
• only non-motorized public access to the trails, beach and ocean.
We believe that Hanks Beach and the trail system are an incredibly valuable community asset. We ask for your best thinking as we go forward with this plan. We appreciate your input and suggestions. It will take a lot of work to accomplish these goals, and your support will be invaluable to that process.
Please contact Joel directly at if you have questions or comments. If you have words of support, that will also mean a lot.
Carol Newell
Renewal Land Sales Begin After over three years, we are pleased to announce that Renewal Land Company's Siskin Lane Strata is now ready for sale. Siskin Lane is a unique, conservation-based development that includes 23 strata lots, many kilometres of public trails, a 32-acre public park and a Forest Conservation Area where over 100 acres of forest have been permanently protected. Renewal has worked in partnership with The Land Conservancy of BC, the community of Cortes Island and many others to create a development that balances residential use, conservation and public amenities. We are very proud of the final outcome, and deeply grateful to all those who have worked with us to get to this stage.
Here is some important information for any interested buyers:
Please download the attached PDF file to read the rest of this important notice!
All properties have been listed with Vicki deBoer of Discovery Islands Realty. Vicki can be contacted at (250) 935-6716 or via email . Both the Disclosure Statement and Price List have been posted on this website. Buyers are required by law to review the Disclosure Statement!
We will not accept any offers prior to April 26th. All offers must go through Vicki deBoer at Discovery. Renewal Land Company will not accept any offers directly.
Sales... We are getting closer to the sales date for Siskin Lane properties. Although we encountered a brief, unforeseen delay in getting all of our government approvals, we continue to move closer to obtaining all of the necessary final approvals for Siskin Lane. Our current goal for having properties on the market is MID-LATE APRIL, 2006. We will continue to advise everyone if that target changes for any reason.
The FINAL map of Siskin Lane is now available on our website. All lot boundaries and trails on the property have been legally surveyed and are well-flagged on the site. Please feel free to come and visit Siskin Lane and explore the trail network.
Please download the attached PDF file to read the rest of this important notice!
![]() We are getting closer to the sales date for Siskin Lane properties. The vast majority of on-site development work has been completed. RLC hosted two very successful tours of the properties in January 2006 - over 70 people, mostly local islanders, attended to see the on-the-ground results of road-building, servicing and land use planning. We continue to work towards obtaining all the necessary approvals for Siskin Lane. Our subdivision application is under review for final approval and we hope to have all the legal documentation and associated paperwork filed within weeks. Once all of the approvals and legal documents are in place we will publish a disclosure statement and make properties available for purchase (see below for more info on that process…).
The FINAL map of Siskin Lane is now available on our website. All lot boundaries and trails on the property have been legally surveyed and are well-flagged on the site. Please feel free to come and visit Siskin Lane and explore the trail network!
We will not be phasing the lot sales - the majority of the strata lots will be put on the market at once. RLC reserves the right to hold back some lots.
All of the properties will be listed Exclusively with Discovery Islands Realty. We're pleased to announce that Vicki deBoer, who has been working with Renewal as our on-site manager, has re-instated her real estate licence and will be the Discovery Islands Realty Listing Agent for Siskin Lane. Vicki has intimate knowledge of the property and the project, having spent countless hours working in the field since 2003. Vicki has over ten years experience as the Cortes Island realtor and has been a full-time island resident for over 25 years.
Contact Vicki at or visit Discovery Islands website at
Buyers may choose to work with Vicki and Discovery Islands Realty, or with other Cortes Island realtors. The properties will not be on MLS (Multiple List System) so information must be obtained from Discovery Islands Realty or other Cortes Island realtors.
Siskin Lane Disclosure Statement...
As we get closer to putting lots on the market, we will announce the expected dates for the publication of the Siskin Lane disclosure statement and the beginning of sales. Disclosure statements contain accurate and complete information to help buyers understand exactly what they are buying and make an informed decision about their purchase.
Please download the attached PDF file to read the rest of this important notice!
This update contains information about Renewal Land Company's (RLC) policy for selling strata lots and our current timing for the sale of lots. It also contains information about four new properties that Island Timberlands has just listed for sale on the south end of Cortes Island. Please download this PDF to read more... Renewal Land Company continues to work through our Forest Land Stewardship (FLS) conservation development initiative on the south end. In March 2005 we received preliminary subdivision approval from the Ministry of Transportation, allowing us to proceed with building the strata access road and finalizing work on our FLS zoned property. FLS is a new zoning on Cortes. It's similar to the existing Community Land Stewardship (CLS) zoning in many ways, with one key difference being that FLS uses a strata model whereas CLS draws on a co-op model of ownership. FLS zoning requires that at least 60% of a property be used for conservation or sustainable forestry. The Official Community Plan polices for FLS prohibit clearcutting, requiring innovative and sustainable forestry practices that preserve biodiversity and forest ecosystems. FLS zoning also requires that a conservation covenant be placed on the property. To see the complete FLS zoning and associated OCP polices check out Renewal Land Company's website.
Buying Land
If you know of anyone interested in purchasing a lot in Renewal's conservation development please contact us. We anticipate being able to sell properties in the fall, however we can currently provide more details on both the sales process and the development itself.
Many of you have been through land and home purchases, but there are a number of people who have spoken to us about buying a home site who are new to the transaction. It is often one of the largest business transactions of a lifetime. Besides the often complex financial steps, there can also be a lot of emotions to navigate as one takes on a big mortgage and figures out the design and construction of a home.
This July, Renewal Land Company will be hosting a Seminar on Buying Land, to help demystify some of the hurdles, the language, the math, and the many aspects that go into a home purchase. There will be realtors and other experts available to answer any questions about home buying. The seminar will also include information on financing options for buyers who are specifically interested in our conservation development.
This seminar is open to everyone. There is no requirement to buy land from us, or even be interested in our project! The date, location and speakers will be announced in June.
Buying Wood
As a result of building the strata access road, Renewal has a small amount of locally-harvested wood available. We have Douglas-fir, western redcedar and western hemlock in a variety of sizes and grades. If you are interested in any of this wood please contact us for more details.
Contact us or visit our website if you have any questions or suggestions, or want to learn more about buying land.
REZONING PROCESS COMPLETE We are pleased to announce that we have successfully completed the rezoning process and now have properties zoned Forest Land Stewardship (FLS). The FLS zone permits clustered residential lots on a maximum of forty percent of the property and designates the majority of the land for conservation and sustainable forestry. The zone also requires conservation covenants that prohibit additional subdivision, ensuring that forest lands are protected in perpetuity.
The rezoning process was an excellent opportunity for us to involve many of you in the design of our proposal. We could not have done this without all the great feedback and suggestions we received from Cortes residents, Regional District staff and many others. Thanks to all of you, this land plan includes an extraordinary amount of community design.
Under the Forest Land Stewardship zone, RLC will now create up to twenty-five clustered residential lots on the 250-acre ÔSouth EndŐ property (located on Sutil Point Road), as well as a 30-acre public park, a 116-acre forest conservation area and several kilometres of public trails.
RLC also owns an 80-acre property in the Whaletown area (just east of Robertson Road), which has been zoned to FLS and can have a maximum of six residential lots. At this point we are not planning to subdivide this property, however the intact property is currently for sale (with conservation covenants), and a landowner would have the right to create up to six residential lots.
Our next step is to obtain approval for a strata subdivision on the South End property from the provincial Ministry of Transportation (MOT). Once we have received preliminary approval we will proceed with on-site work, including well drilling, road building, driveway clearing and other servicing. After this is complete we will have final approval to proceed with lot sales. We hope to have properties available for sale by late summer or early fall 2005.
More information on the timing of sales, and price ranges, will be available as we move through the subdivision process. We will continue to provide regular updates through our mailing list and local flyers. We can also provide you with more detailed information on lot design and features, and would be happy to arrange a tour of the property for anyone who would like to see the sites.
We are working with The Land Conservancy of British Columbia, local groups and individuals to finalize conservation covenants that will be registered on all the properties. The covenants will regulate land use activities on the property in perpetuity, and have been designed to promote the conservation of biodiversity and the protection of environmental values and to limit the ecological footprint of residential use. The covenants prohibit future subdivision, require that the forest land be managed according to ecosystem-based management principles and place restrictions on residential use. Copies of the covenants will be available on our website in early 2005.
For more information on conservation covenants and how they work, visit The Land Conservancy
Watch our website for regular updates on our progress, or contact us for more information.
A two page PDF can be downloaded here. Part of page one is reproduced below...
• RLC has bought or contracted ~520 acres of land, of which 322 are under consideration for rezoning to permit a mixture of selection logging, residential housing, public trails, park and conservation areas. Another 125 acres has been re-sold to neighbours, with varying levels of permanent protective covenants. Plans for the final 73 acres, a property referred to as Whaletown Creek, are still undetermined, though exploratory conversations are underway between the Regional District and a group of residents.
• The current rezoning application reflects ongoing feedback from Cortes residents, Regional District staff and experts in water and septic issues. Maps outlining the draft proposal are included here.
• 53% of Cortes is currently zoned Forestry-One. Much of this is Crown land that will hopefully become a community forest. RLC's application to rezone 322 acres totals less than 2% of the F-1 land on Cortes.
• The regional district is proposing a new zone called Forest Land Stewardship (FLS) for these properties.
• The new FLS zone would require that a minimum of 60% of the property be maintained for low-impact forestry and conservation purposes and would prohibit any future subdivision. It would also require that a conservation covenant be placed on the land to protect natural features.
• A final copy of the FLS zoning is available on our website or from the Regional District. TOP
So Far
Last spring RLC contracted with Weyerhaeuser to purchase eight properties, totalling 502 acres. RLC's goals include:
• Conserve biodiversity and forest ecosystems;
• Demonstrate an ecologically-based approach to forestry and land development;
• Set a precedent for the incorporation of community ideals into future projects; and,
• Create an opportunity for the Cortes community to influence the nature of growth on the island.
So far conservation covenants have been used to permanently protect two properties (115 acres) from any timber harvesting or subdivision. A four-hectare property has been protected through a conservation covenant that prohibits subdivision and limits timber harvesting to selection logging. Several residents from Whaletown are currently developing their vision for how a fourth property - Whaletown Creek - should be managed.
What's Next
On January 12th, 2004 RLC submitted an application to rezone four properties, in order to permit a mixture of residential housing, selection logging, public trails, parkland and conservation areas. Three of the four properties are contiguous (241 acres) near Manson's Landing. The fourth property (80 acres) is near Gorge Harbour. The rezoning application includes a draft layout for the lots ¨ this layout will be changed to reflect community feedback and site testing (e.g. perc tests) as we go through the rezoning process. Residential development will be limited on all of the properties, and future subdivision will be prohibited.
The Rezoning Process
Rezoning takes several months. Once an application has been submitted to the Regional District it is sent to the Regional Director and the Cortes Advisory Planning Committee for review and discussion. The application is also circulated to several other groups, including the Ministries of Transportation and Water, Land and Air Protection. Feedback from all of these groups is then incorporated into a report, prepared by Regional District staff.
The next step is for the application to be reviewed by a Planning Committee made up of Regional Directors. This committee makes recommendations on whether the application should proceed.
If approved by the Planning Committee, the application proceeds to 1st and 2nd reading by the Regional Board. It then comes to an official public hearing on Cortes where members of the community can formally express their opinions. A public hearing committee then reviews all comments and feedback to this point, and makes a recommendation to the Regional Board about whether the application should proceed. The final stages for the application are 3rd reading, approval by the provincial government and a 4th and final reading by the Regional Board. At any point in this process the application may be referred, tabled or denied.
Your Input
This project needs your input! RLC wants to create a proposal that will benefit the Cortes community and your ongoing input is important. We will keep meeting with Cortes residents and will be hosting a public forum for discussion this spring. The proposal will be updated to incorporate ongoing input from the Cortes community. TOP
October 2003 FALL UPDATE
RLC's First Land Sales on Cortes
Renewal Land Company is pleased to announce the completion of our first land sales on Cortes.
In June 2003, RLC signed a contract with Weyerhaeuser to purchase up to eight properties (totaling 500 acres) on Cortes. By mid-September, Weyerhaeuser and RLC had successfully met all contract conditions for the first two of these properties, Lagoon Road and Anvil Lake. On September 30th 2003, these two properties sold from RLC to neighboring residents. Both properties have permanent protective covenants, held by The Nature Trust of British Columbia, which will ensure the long-term protection of wildlife and biodiversity values.
Introducing RLC's Land Conservancy Partners
RLC is excited to announce that two of BC's top land conservancies The Land Conservancy, and The Nature Trust of British Columbia, will be working on Cortes to help steward RLC lands.
The Land Conservancy (TLC) is one of the leading conservancy organizations in British Columbia. TLC works extensively to develop leading edge conservation covenants that protect important ecological communities as well as properties with historical, cultural, scientific, scenic or compatible recreational value. Established in 1997, TLC has a history of working to support community-based conservation initiatives and integrate ecological stewardship into private land management. Over the coming months, TLC will be working with RLC and the Cortes community to design and implement conservation covenants for several RLC properties. The covenants will protect important ecological features and forest ecosystems, ensure that careful, selection logging is permitted to support the local forest economy and guide residential development to minimize ecological impacts.
The Nature Trust of British Columbia (TNT) is one of the largest and oldest land conservation organizations in BC. TNT worked closely with Weyerhaeuser to design conservation covenants for five Weyerhaeuser properties that sold in 2002, including parcels in Carrington Bay and Mary Point. In addition to these five conservation covenants, TNT currently holds protective conservation covenants for two recently sold RLC properties Lagoon Road and Anvil Lake.
RLC Properties
There are still several properties that could be available to conservation buyers. This includes a 73-acre property (referred to as Cemetary Road on RLC's website) in the south end and a 79-acre property near Whaletown (referred to as Gorge West on RLC's website), each of which could be bought for approximately $600,000. RLC hopes to find conservation buyers (either one party or two working in partnership) for at least one of these properties in order to minimize development costs and reduce the overall extent of development necessary to pay for land costs.
The Cemetary Road property is only a short walking distance from both Hollyhock and Manson's Landing. Smelt Bay Provincial Park is a 15-minute walk south of the property, and there are other beach access points within a short walk. The property is forested, with gentle terrain and a wetland area that is home to lots of wildlife. There are several walking trails that wind throughout the property. Current zoning allows one residential dwelling, however a new bylaw is anticipated that would allow two residential dwellings.
The Gorge West property has a prime southern exposure, and includes several mossy knolls with southern views of Gorge Harbour. The southern portion of the property is home to two beautiful wetlands, both surrounded by some of the remaining old-growth cedar and Douglas-fir on Cortes Island. Current zoning allows one residential dwelling, however a new bylaw is anticipated that would allow two residential dwellings.
Also available for purchase (price range of $250,000) is a forested, 18-acre parcel located near Hollyhock. This property can accommodate up to two homes, under a land partnership model (rather than subdivision).
RLC's Conservation Development Proposal
RLC is pursuing a rezoning application for several large properties in order to create smaller lots for homesites. If the rezoning application is successful, we expect to create lots between 2.5 and 10 acres in size on up to four of the properties. These lots will cover costs of land acquisition and development. All new lots will have conservation covenants to protect forest ecosystems as well as public trails (non-motorized). RLC also plans to maintain tracts of forestland for small-scale selection logging. At least one public park is anticipated, likely on the Whaletown end of the island. TOP
BC's top land conservancies working on Cortes
Renewal Land Company is pleased to announce that two of BC's top land conservancies ¨ The Land Conservancy and the Nature Trust of British Columbia will be working on Cortes to help steward Renewal lands.
The Land Conservancy (TLC) is one of the leading conservancy organizations in British Columbia. TLC works extensively to develop leading edge conservation covenants that protect important ecological communities as well as properties with historical, cultural, scientific, scenic or compatible recreational value. Established in 1997, TLC has a history of working to support community-based conservation initiatives and integrate ecological stewardship into private land management. For example, TLC is currently working closely with Merv Wilkinson and the Eco-Forestry Institute, to create conservation covenants that will guide the management of Wildwood - Merv's sustainable woodlot in Ladysmith. TLC works to support the Cortes Land Conservancy, and also partners with the Silva Forest Foundation to create and hold conservation covenants.
Over the coming months, The Land Conservancy will be working with Renewal Land Company and the Cortes community to design and implement conservation covenants for several Renewal properties. The covenants will protect important ecological features and forest ecosystems, ensure that careful, selection logging is permitted to support the local forest economy and guide residential development so that the ecological impact is minimized. The conservation covenants, once completed, will be registered on title for each property and Ąheld' by TLC. Information regarding the development of these covenants will be available on Renewal's website at
The Nature Trust of British Columbia (TNT) is one of the largest and oldest land conservation organizations in BC. TNT worked closely with Weyerhaeuser to design conservation covenants for five Weyerhaeuser properties that sold in 2002, including parcels in Carrington Bay and Mary Point. In addition to these five conservation covenants, TNT currently holds protective conservation covenants for two recently sold Renewal properties Lagoon Road and Anvil Lake. Renewal purchased both of these properties from Weyerhaeuser and subsequently sold them to neighbours of the properties. TNT will work regularly with the new landowners to ensure that the covenants, which protect 90% of the Anvil Lake property and 80% of the Lagoon Road property, are properly implemented and monitored.
For more information about TLC and TNT check out their websites at:
Renewal Land Company is pleased to announce the completion of our first land sales on Cortes
In June 2003, RLC signed a conditional contract with Weyerhaeuser to purchase up to eight properties on Cortes. By mid-September, Weyerhaeuser and RLC had successfully met all contract conditions for the first two of these properties, Lagoon Road and Anvil Lake. On September 30th 2003, these two properties sold from Renewal Land Company to neighboring residents.
Lagoon Road is a 35-acre property, identified as an ecologically sensitive and biodiversity area in the Ecosystem-Based Management Plan for Cortes Island prepared for CES by the Silva Forest Foundation. A permanent protective covenant has been placed on 80% of the property, ensuring that wildlife habitat and forest ecosystems will be protected from any type of timber harvesting or development. The entire property will remain in F-1 zoning, which means that residential development will be limited to one dwelling (or two dwellings if the proposed Cortes zoning bylaw is passed this fall) and must be located outside the 80% protected portion of the property.
Anvil Lake is a 79-acre property, part of which is identified as an ecologically sensitive area and which adjoins a wildlife corridor through the Gorge area in the Ecosystem-Based Management Plan for Cortes Island. A permanent protective covenant has been placed on 90% of this property, ensuring that wildlife habitat and forest ecosystems will be protected from any type of timber harvesting or development. The entire property will remain in F-1 zoning, which means that residential development will be limited to one dwelling (or two dwellings if the proposed Cortes zoning bylaw is passed this fall) and must be located outside the 90% protected portion of the property.
Both legally binding conservation covenants will be held by The Nature Trust, a BC-based conservancy organization. More information on the Nature Trust is available from their website at To view the conservation covenants for Lagoon Road or Anvil Lake go to and click on the Renewal Land Company site.
RLC would like to take this opportunity to thank Weyerhaeuser and The Nature Trust for continuing to work with RLC to promote ecologically responsible land stewardship on Cortes. TOP
Whaletown Creek. Land to Protect Now. A Park for the Future
By Ruth Riddell and Deb Maitland
Renewal Land Company has contracted with Weyerhaeuser to purchase eight of the nine Weyerhaeuser properties currently on the market, totalling ~500 acres. Included in Renewal's purchase is the Whaletown Creek property, a 73-acre parcel located between Whaletown and Jocelyn Roads, adjacent to the Whaletown Firehall.
This property has incredible ecological diversity, including beautiful old-growth cedar and Douglas-fir trees; large areas of huge, old maples; rocky moss-covered bluffs; a younger, valuable Douglas-fir forest; areas of mixed forest; a wetland; some areas of patchcut logging done by Weyerhaeuser in recent years and Whaletown Creek itself. The creek wanders through the forest, winding its way to eventually exit into Whaletown Lagoon. At places this creek tumbles quickly over rocks, in others it moves so slowly you can hardly see any ripples. It is fed by wetlands on the Weyerhaeuser land and across Jocelyn Road where it originates. Salmon spawn here, deer, wolves and cougars move through this area as well. There are many trails throughout, created by the animals who travel through and the people who love this area.
The property is important to our community as it provides an access corridor between Whaletown and Jocelyn Roads replacing a dusty drive of a few miles with a pleasant, short walk. We need to be able to walk to our friends' and neighbours' homes, taking note of what is happening where we live. The property is also valuable to our community because it provides a wild area in the middle of Whaletown.
There is no park in the Whaletown area and this property is perfect for filling that gap. The Whaletown Community Club, Renewal Land Company and the Regional District will keep working together to find a solution for the conservation of this land.
We need your input to answer these and other key questions
• How can we ensure the protection of the sensitive ecosystem around Whaletown Creek while also allowing trails we all can enjoy?
• How can we create permanent public access to a trail connecting Whaletown Road and Jocelyn Road?
• In addition to a park, could the property provide a separate, future home site for the Gorge Hall, should it require re-location at any point?
• How can we pay for the property, valued at over $900,000? Is it feasible to create some homes sites? Is there potential for some sensitive logging to take place? (this does not mean clear cutting!) What kind of donations can we attract? Without raising land taxes, is it possible to access any funds through the Regional District?
The WCC will be drafting options for this property and circulating them for broader discussion. A series of small gatherings will be held to discuss these ideas. Others in the community have put forward the idea of creating a Co-Housing Initiative on the property: contact Norberto Rodriguez for more information
For more information, or to pass on your thoughts, please contact us. TOP
Renewal Land Company: Weyerhaeuser Land Sales
Renewal Land Company has contracted with Weyerhaeuser Corporation, to purchase eight of the nine parcels currently on the market around the island, totaling approximately 500 acres. We are now entering negotiations with The Nature Trust, the covenant holder, around various details of the covenant process. Once this negotiation is complete, we will move towards selling the first three parcels, which have been spoken for by local owners, or their family members.
We are beginning work with the Regional District around potential rezoning and subdivision of some of the larger parcels in Whaletown and along Sutil Point Road. We intend to hold a series of public meetings at the Halls very soon, as well as continue talking with many interested islanders in smaller groups. If you would like to have us talk with a small group at your home, for an information sharing session where we can hear your ideas and concerns, please contact us.
Our goal remains to resell all these properties as soon as we can find buyers who share the goals of:
• forest stewardship with permanent protective covenants.
• public walking (and bicycle) trails where appropriate.
• creation of permanent public access at Whaletown Creek.
• public input and influence in how this project is done.
• careful selective logging by locals where viable.
• discrete homesites.
• home building and land management related jobs.
• prioritization of local buyers.
We are seeking to achieve as many of the above goals as possible and still recover the funds used to buy the land and the associated costs of the project. We expect that to take us 3-5 years on these eight properties. Our costs to date are approximately $3.5 million; costs of the project will continue to grow until we are able to find buyers for these properties.
We need buyers, input and ideas, and support. Thank you to the Cortes Ecoforestry Society and the many islanders who have guided and encouraged us along. It's a big undertaking and we were only able to get this far with your help and well wishes. Thanks also to Weyerhaeuser for giving us the chance to demonstrate a workable conservation solution for Cortes. TOP
Opportunity to guide land use on Cortes
As many of you know, in April 2003 Weyerhaeuser Inc. placed nine parcels of their Cortes forested land the market. Eight of the nine parcels, totaling ~550 acres, have been acquired by Renewal Land Company, a not-for profit corporation formed for the purpose of promoting conservation-based land use on Cortes Island. These parcels include 75 acres at Whaletown Creek near Whaletown, 80 acres in Gorge Harbour (along Whaletown Road), 120 acres on Lagoon Road near Anvil Lake and 240 acres near Manson's Landing along Sutil Point Road.
Opportunity to guide land use on Cortes
Renewal Land Company (RLC) is a not-for profit organization. We will be holding these properties on an interim basis with the intention of re-selling all of the nine properties on a cost-recovery basis to buyers who support:
• A high level of community participation.
• Protection forest ecosystems to the fullest extent possible (in part through the use of conservation covenants).
• Maintenance of permanent public access to key walking trails and areas such as Whaletown Creek.
• Contribution to the strengthening of a local, forest-based economy.
• Promotion of local employment where possible.
• Contribution to more accessible housing for local residents where possible.
What has RLC done so far?
Since January 2003, RLC has been working to confirm community concerns and values regarding land use on Cortes as well as identify concerns regarding each of these properties in particular. We have met with over 150 members of the community, primarily through a series of small, community meetings. We are also engaged in ongoing discussions with representatives from Weyerhaeuser, the Regional District and small logging operations. Information about RLC's initiative has been available on Tideline ( and through local publications. We will continue to make information available, and encourage feedback, through these and other mediums.
How can you get involved?
We are looking for community feedback and support! We also want to hear from any interested buyers. We will be hosting a series of public meetings and events over the coming months in order to solicit feedback on our proposal and help us to develop a solution that reflects the values of the Cortes community. Our intention is to use a combination of ecologically-sensitive timber harvesting, subdivision, community land stewardship and full forest protection in order to maximize both environmental protection and contribution to a sustainable local economy.
Check out Tideline ( for updates and information on upcoming community meetings, as well as more detailed information on our proposal as it evolves to incorporate community feedback.
Please contact us if you have any questions about the sale of Weyerhaeuser lands and this conservation initiative.
Still to come€
There are indications that additional parcels (roughly 600 acres) may be sold by the end of 2004. These parcels include 160 acres at Hanks Beach, 160 acres along Bartholomew Road, 100 acres overlooking Hague Lake and 180 acres in Gorge Harbour. The remaining 2500 acres of land, including sections adjacent to Squirrel Cove and a large, contiguous area across the northern end of the island (near Carrington Lagoon) are expected to be dealt with by Weyerhaeuser in 2004. TOP
Weyerhaeuser Selling Cortes Lands
In a move representing the largest transfer of private land on Cortes in recent history, Weyerhaeuser Inc. has decided to sell large sections of their forested lands on Cortes. In a unique and unprecedented move, the company agreed to register conservation covenants on their properties (prior to selling them) to protect sensitive areas such as streams and wetlands on 20-40% of the land, while allowing logging on the remainder. This unusual land sale presents the Cortes community with a unique, yet challenging opportunity to influence the future use and conservation of these areas.
Properties For Sale
To date, Weyerhaeuser has sold six of its properties on Cortes. While three of the parcels were purchased by conservation-minded buyers, the remaining three were acquired with the apparent intention of clearcut harvesting all of the timber not protected by conservation covenants. One of these three, in Carrington Bay, has already been logged. A second parcel, near Mary Point, is expected to be harvested in the coming weeks.
The next nine parcels, totaling almost 700 acres, will be listed in April 2003. These parcels include 75 acres at Cougar Creek near Whaletown, 235 acres in Gorge Harbour (along Whaletown Road), 120 acres on Lagoon Road near Anvil Lake and 240 acres near Manson's Landing along Sutil Point Road. There are indications that five additional parcels (roughly 600 acres) may be sold by the end of 2004. These parcels include 160 acres at Hanks Beach, 160 acres along Bartholomew Road, 100 acres overlooking Hague Lake and 180 acres in Gorge Harbour.
The remaining 2500 acres of land, including sections adjacent to Squirrel Cove and a large, contiguous area across the northern end of the island (near Carrington Lagoon) are expected to be dealt with by Weyerhaeuser in 2004.
Standing Forest Initiative
In order to preserve these forests from industrial-scale logging, a not-for-profit group led by Joel Solomon is considering an initiative to purchase some of the parcels on an interim basis and make them available to conservation-minded buyers. Our initiative is based on a not-for-profit, cost recovery model with a high level of community participation. Our eventual goal is to apply more comprehensive covenants to further protect the forest ecosystems, while still allowing eco-forestry to take place on as many parcels as possible, contributing to a working forest on Cortes. Every effort will also be made to protect public access to important community areas such as Hanks Beach, and to maintain key walking trails for public use. We also hope to make a range of home sites available on some of the parcels in order to offset land acquisition costs.
How can you get involved?
We are looking for community feedback and support! We also want to hear from any interested buyers. Check out Tideline ( for regular updates and information on upcoming community meetings. Please contact us if you have any questions about the sale of Weyerhaeuser lands and this conservation initiative. TOP
Renewal Land Company: Public Forum Highlights
Thanks to the 150 islanders who turned out last week to discuss Renewal Land Company's purchase of eight Weyerhaeuser properties on Cortes. Your attendance, questions, ideas and support were encouraging. There was general support for ideas such as:
• Maintenance of permanent public walking and cycling trails.
• Protection of forest ecosystems.
• Some selective logging by local contractors
• Creation of a public park at Whaletown Creek.
• Helping young families become land owners.
Several important issues were discussed. Here are some of the highlights: Should properties be rezoned from F-1 to allow higher density housing?
Several people pointed out that keeping the F-1 zoning is important to help maintain a working forest on Cortes. Others felt that re-zoning on select parcels was an acceptable trade-off to avoid the kind of logging that has taken place on Weyerhaeuser lands sold last year. People also pointed out that rezoning some of these lands could be a way to help address the need for some lower cost land on the island. Although population growth is inevitable, this proposal is a unique opportunity for the Cortes community to influence factors such as the location and nature of population growth on the island.
How will Renewal Land Company's proposal contribute to a working forest on Cortes?
There will be small scale, selective logging on some of these eight properties. We are also committed to working with CES and others towards the goal of a community forest on Cortes, and the inclusion of Weyerhaeuser's northern properties in the community forest.
Is there a level playing field for all potential buyers?
We will be using conservation covenants and other measures to achieve our goals of forest stewardship, public access, careful selective logging where viable, discrete homesites and local employment. If we are successful in rezoning a maximum of four of these eight properties, lots will be listed with realtors for consideration from all interested buyers. We will also try to help locals purchase property by offering some form of vendor financing, as well as by creating smaller lots, and keeping some lots un-serviced to keep prices lower.
We appreciate everyone's willingness to discuss these, and other, complex issues. Over the summer we will be publishing a series of discussion articles looking at each of these issues in more detail and presenting the feedback we have received so far.
We are currently planning a series of smaller, group meetings with several of you who requested a chance to talk further. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to schedule a meeting or if you have any afterthoughts, ideas or comments, or if you are interested in purchasing property. We will also be hosting additional public meetings later this fall.
Joel Solomon, Renewal Land Company TOP
QUICK ACCESS LIST to all the articles on this page 2007 February Update
2006 November Update
2006 July Update
2006 June Update
2006 Lots Sold to Date
2006 April Update
2006 March Update
2006 February Update
2005 Fall Update
2005 Spring Update
2004 December Update
2004 May Update
2004 Winter Update
2003 Fall Update
2003 First Land Sales
2003 Whaletown Creek
2003 Summer Update
2003 Opportunity
2003 Forests For Sale
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