The Siskin Lane conservation development project includes a thirteen hectare
park that was donated to the Comox-Strathcona Regional District, to be
managed in partnership with the Cortes community. A conservation covenant held
by The Land Conservancy of BC prohibits any timber harvesting or development
to protect the park's ecological values in perpetuity.
Cortes Island is home to a well-developed (and treasured!) network of trails on both public and private land. Renewal Land Company is committed to supporting the growing network of public trails on Cortes. We have worked with islanders, including members of the Cortes Island Trails Society, to establish network of public trails throughout our lands.
These trails offer recreational opportunities to walkers, horseriders, cyclists and other non-motorized users. They also promote alternative transportation by linking in with a larger network of trails between the south end of the island and the Manson’s Landing area. Trails will be maintained in perpetuity under a statutory right-of-way (a form of legal easement) held by the Comox-Strathcona Regional District. To see the official statutory right-of-way text, including maps of the trail network, click here.
Download RLC's latest articles about the cherished trail network on Cortes Island.
Click here to downlooad a PDF, "A Culture of Trails"
Click here to download a PDF, "As the CROW Flies - Establishing Rights of Way on Private Land
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